Husqvarna Viking Clear Seam Guide Foot
Clear Seam Guide Foot
Guides your edge stitching when joining the fabric. Keeps the seam allowances at the same distance from the edge through the project. Metallic edge guide plus 4 different lines for various seam allowances.
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1. Thread your machine with sewing thread on top and in the bobbin.
2. Snap on the Clear Seam Guide Foot.
3. For joining fabrics: Place fabric right sides together.
4. Place the fabric under the presser foot with the metallic guide at the edge of the fabric for 5/8” seam allowance.
5. Lower the presser foot and start to sew. The Guide will follow the edge of the fabric and the seam will be sewn with the perfect straight seam allowance.
6. Use the 4 other red marked lines on the presser foot for additional rows of seams or a narrower seam allowance.